Who We Are
From the very beginnings, our mission at the Altrusa Hospitality House was to provide a "home away from home" for patients and their caregivers who travel to Green Bay area hospitals for medical treatment.
/al·tru·ism/ n.
selfless concern for the well-being of others.”
How We Began
The hospital hospitality house was born of a request from the St. Vincent Cancer Center to The Altrusa Club of Green Bay to assist with the readying of a 3-bedroom, donated home on Porlier Street. This home would serve patients traveling to Green Bay for cancer treatments.
September 1989
The first Altrusa House opens and is operated solely by The Altrusa Club of Green Bay, a volunteer service organization comprised of professional women working full time in their careers and committed to the success of this passion project. The Altrusa House quickly filled, and patient numbers quickly outpaced the 3 bedrooms available.
September 2001
After 10 years of behind-the-scenes work planning and fundraising, Altrusans were still in need of a location for this capstone project. After receiving a generous bequest, Bellin Health offers the Altrusa House a space to call “home” in the way of a 100-year land lease @ $1/year. The new 12-bedroom Altrusa house opened in the fall of 2001.
April 1, 2023
The Altrusa House was transferred to the Altrusa Hospitality House and is now its own 501(c)(3) with it’s own non-profit Board. Three members of the Altrusa Club remain on the Altrusa Hospitality House Board. While the Altrusa Club is no longer responsible for the Altrusa Hospitality House, they continue to volunteer at the Altrusa Hospitality House in many ways.