Upcoming events.
Business Meeting
Social starts at 5:30 pm with light refreshments. Business meeting starts at 6:00 pm.
Refreshment committee:
Carol Foytik, chairperson;
Diane Lautenslager
Claire LeMere
Social - Swanstone Gardens Nature Classes
Join us for a fun hands-on craft evening at Village Grille with our presenter Debbie Phillips from Swanstone Gardens. Cocktail hour is from 5-5:30 pm. Following dinner, Debbie will be teaching us the art of Iris Folding. This is a craft technique that involves the folding strips of fancy colored paper in such a way to form a design. At the end, each member will make an adorable 5x7 framed snowman. Cost of the class is $15. Dinner will be Dutch treat.
Business Meeting
Social starts at 5:30 pm with light refreshments. Business meeting starts at 6:00 pm.
Refreshment committee:
Joyce Hafemann, chairperson;
Maxine Hafemann
Social - Neville Public Museum Tour
Join us for a behind-the-scenes tour of the Neville Public Museum. $9 per person. More details will be provided at a later date.
Business Meeting
Social starts at 5:30 pm with light refreshments. Business meeting starts at 6:00 pm.
Refreshment committee:
Kathy Paquet, chairperson;
Nancy Friebel
Christina Peterson-Laszewski
Business Meeting
Social starts at 5:30 pm with light refreshments. Business meeting starts at 6:00 pm.
Refreshment committee:
Terry Smith, chairperson;
Pattie Wier-Lewis
Janet Marcuccio
Business Meeting
Social starts at 5:30 pm with light refreshments. Business meeting starts at 6:00 pm.
Refreshment committee:
Lana Sidlauska, chairperson;
Mary Hanzel
Tracy Gallagher
Business Meeting
Social starts at 5:30 pm with light refreshments. Business meeting starts at 6:00 pm.
Refreshment committee:
Carol Nowak, chairperson;
Lynn Herold
Business Meeting
Social starts at 5:30 pm with light refreshments. Business meeting starts at 6:00 pm.
Refreshment committee:
Nancy Barthel, chairperson;
Mary Kay Hamachek
Jean Lucci
AVB Community Band Concert
Doors open 6 pm, Concert at 7 pm.
“A Season of Love” is theme of 43rd season
Tonight: “Holiday Love and Good Cheer”
Business Meeting
Social starts at 5:30 pm with light refreshments. Business meeting starts at 6:00 pm.
Refreshment committee:
Amy Spice, chairperson;
Kate Winslow
Barb Mohr
AVB Community Band Concert
Doors open 6 pm, Concert at 7 pm.
“A Season of Love” is theme of 43rd season
Tonight: “Love from Sea to Shining Sea”
Social - Holiday Gathering
Join us for a lovely evening sharing time and celebrating the upcoming holiday season at the beautiful newly opened Generations Bistro and Marketplace operated by Lucas Limburger, owner and chef. https://generationsmarkets.com/ Chef Lucas as prepared a lovely menu for us with a European theme.
Business Meeting
Social starts at 5:30 pm with light refreshments. Business meeting starts at 6:00 pm.
Refreshment committee:
Mavis Martens, chairperson;
Lois Kania
Marie Burgoyne
AVB Community Band Concert
Doors open 6 pm, Concert at 7 pm.
“A Season of Love” is theme of 43rd season
Tonight: “A Broadway Love Affair”
McCormick Assisted Living Literacy Committee Visit
Featuring “Griffon String Quartet”. The Griffon String Quartet will entertain McCormick Assisted Living guests with a 45-minute program. Altrusans will provide snacks and companionship. Altrussans are to arrive by 1:20 pm.
Social - Altrusa Wine Tasting Membership Event — “Wine Not….”
This fun event will allow you to meet new people, renew and celebrate friendships, earn door prizes, learn more about the Altrusa International Organization; their amazing culture and fellowship opportunities, community service, leadership opportunities and, of course, enjoy some music and fine beverages while sampling delicious appetizers.
Make a Difference Day visit to Paul’s Pantry
Bring canned goods and/or egg cartons to the October 2, 2024 club meeting. A sign-up sheet to attend will be at the club meeting.
Business Meeting
Social starts at 5:30 pm with light refreshments. Business meeting starts at 6:00 pm.
Refreshment committee:
Darlene Campbell, chairperson;
Nancy Stellpflug
Volunteerism Event at Mulva Center, De Pere
Co-Spondored by City of De Pere Health Department and Mulva Center
Altrusa Green Bay is participating! Plan to attend, featuring the documentary “Join or Die” on the importance of clubs and service organization to the fabric of america — which also fights loneliness.
AVB Community Band Concert
Doors open 6 pm, Concert at 7 pm.
“A Season of Love” is theme of 43rd season
Tonight: “Reel Love: Music from the Movies”